To Turf or Not to Turf, That is the Question – Part 1
Few weeks back Ben Lambert asked me for an opinion on Instagram regarding organizing training when a team play all home game on artificial turf. We had the same issue when I was with Hammarby IF in Stockholm, Sweden.
This problem is very common, but not many researchers have addressed it. If the team is playing an upcoming match on the artificial turf, how should they train to minimize the risk of injury and maximize the performance?
In the video below I am presenting my “solution” to the problem and provide fake data set, as well as R code for analyzing the data. Having decent predictive model can help us run different optimization algorithms to find the “best” scheduling to minimize/maximize injury risk or performance. At the end of the day, it might give us some potential solutions to consid-er or give us more questions to be answered.
Video also shows very simple “trick” that could be used in predicting time-series that are common in sport science. Take a look, and if you have any feedback and or example data sets you might be willing to share, please contact me either on the forum or over the email. This could be nice collaboration that can help fellow coaches out there in making the best solutions (or proving some already used heuristics valid).
To download the “Turf” data, click on the following button: Download