Set and Rep Schemes (Part 4): Ballistic Schemes

In the case you have missed any part of this video series you can find it here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

In the previous video, I have explained the two methods of progression (Perc Drop and RIR Inc) that could be used to generate set and rep schemes progressions. I wasn’t really happy with my explanation, so I decided to create two Excel templates that you can download below this video and play with the concepts, as well as to create your own progressions. This is further explained in the video.

Below the video, you can find PDF containing all ballistic set and rep schemes that were created using Perc Drop and RIR Inc methods applied to 10 vertical planing progressions and 12 set and rep scheme archetypes. You can find these in the .CSV file as well if you need to import them somewhere.

It bears mentioning that all these schemes are already implemented in Strength Card Builder v5.0 and are ready to use. Make sure to check it out in the instructional videos available on the product page.

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