Percent – Repetitions Chart

I was looking to create a neat percent-repetitions table for the quick reference when I compare various percent-based and auto-regulatory programs out there. This could help with judging and evaluating the ‘buffer’ of each set or proximity to failure, hard-medium-easy days, weekly progression and differences in intensity, intensiveness, volume and frequency program designs.
I combined data from works of Dan Baker, Cal Dietz, Mike Tuchscherer, Joe Kenn and Prilepin. I needed to fit their data to the table format, thus some of the percents and reps are slightly modified.

As you can see there is a difference between authors. Of course certain guidelines are used for different purposes – Prilepin is used with weightlifting, Tuchscherer with powerlifting – and that creates a difference. Hence the purpose of the table: to have everything at one spot. Thus, if you are looking for high quality reps you can use Prilepin or RPE8-7 of Tuchscherer.

Please note that these are just guidelines and the relationships changes in certain situations: (1) men vs. women (women are generally able to do more reps at the same percentage), (2) advanced vs. beginners (beginners are generally able to do more reps at the same percentage), (3) fast twitch vs. slow twitch individuals (slow twitch athletes can usually do more reps at the same percentage), (4) muscle mass involved in the exercise (more muscle mass involved, less reps at certain percentage – for example squats vs. military press) and many others. So take this only as a guideline.



Donnell Boucher just gave me a heads up for his presentation he did last February. From the 31min mark Donnell expands on the concept of Relative Intensity. Very interesting to watch since it is very tied to the table above.
Thanks Donnell!

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