Interesting Things to Read & Listen

Over the last few weeks I’ve stumbled on couple great sources of information and I wanted to share in the case you missed it.

Ross Tucker’s Series on Talent ID and Development


Ross did AMAZING video series on talent ID and I enjoyed watching it. It covers pretty much what I have covered in my talent video, but goes well and beyond. Acknowledging inefficiencies in the system and trying to get out as much as possible. He is also killing the 10,000h rule, the myth of early specialization, describes the relative age effect, the problem of measuring and predicting talent and much more. The videos to come will cover practical management implementations. Highly recommended!

Historic Performance Podcast: Interview with Matt Reeves


This one of the very best if not THE very best podcast I’ve listened to. Why? Because it was honest and very applied. Matt from Leicester City FC is sharing his knowledge and experience managing the high performance program with their athletes. Leicester City is currently on the pole position in English Premier League, but most notably also leading in the amount of injuries (or better yer in the lack of injuries).

What is interesting in the microcycle strategy they implement is that it is very similar to proposed Mark Williams solution covered in THIS series.

Highly recommended! Click here to listen »

The Death of Strength and Conditioning by James Smith


Keir Wenham-Flatt did a great job interviewing James Smith. In the first part of podcast James mentioned “death of strength and conditioning” which is pretty much along the lines in my recent review of Frans Bosch book.

You want to know more? Click here to listen »

Interview With Nic Gill, S&C of All Blacks

Nic is truly a legend in our field and in this short two part interview he shares the importance of going back to the basics and doing them correctly and consistently. Great interview by one of the best in the field.

Eylean – Software for Scrum and Kanban Management

I recently stumbled on Eylean software and I find it quite easy to use. I have been using Trello before and played with LeanKit, but Eylean looks really easy way to create Kanban boards. One only drawback is that it works only on Windows. But let’s see if they are going to move to web-based app soon.

I still love physical Kanban boards, but Eylean is really close to it. I will be making a video on how to use it in managing performance teams very soon.

Podcast With Marco Altini


Marco is the machine learning expert and a runner. He also developed HRV4Training app for measuring and analyzing your HRV. We can expect A LOT from Marco since he is really interested in predictive analytics and it’s applications in activity tracking and performance analysis. I need to pick Marco’s brain a lot on data science.

Anyway, here is the podcast he did for Quantified Body on how to quantify cardiovascular fitness.

Two Interviews With Your Truly


I recently did two email interviews with Dylan Hicks and Troy Lange – hope you will find them interesting. I also wanted to say thanks to Dylan Hicks one more time for helping me out with the move to Oz.

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