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Blog posts and interviews

Interview with John Kiely – This is a must read interview done by Martin Bingisser for HMMRMedia. John Kiely is a big critic of contemporary periodization dogma. Cannot agree more with the things he said.

McMillan Coaches’ guide to strength development – This is an amazing article series done by Stuart McMillan, Matt Jordan and Brett Bartholomew. Goes hand in hand with John Kiely’s thoughts. Great minds thing alike

Interpreting HRV Trends in Athletes: High Isn’t Always Good and Low Isn’t Always Bad – When Andrew Flatt talks I listen, and I listen carefully.

Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoidDerek Evely shared this article. Haven’t read it yet, but if Derek says it is good, then it is.


Dr. Paul Glazier is coming up with Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of sports performance article, in which he uses constraints framework originally introduced by Newell. Cannot wait for this paper.

I have been contemplating on GUT recently and I came up with this:
Mladen GUT

I will cover some of the ideas in upcoming blog post, but for now I will leave you with this metaphysical picture.

New and upcoming books on training

Mark Jarvis just released a book on physical preparation in soccer. I have received it the other day. Looks legit.

Ron McKeefery is coming up with a book as well. CEO Strength coach. Looking forward to this

Exciting day. Received my proof copies from the publisher today. Getting close to being released. #CEOStrengthCoach.
Posted by Ron McKeefery on Monday, August 3, 2015

Vladimir Issurin published a new book entitled “Building the Modern Athlete: Scientific Advancements and Training Innovations” with Ultimate Athlete Concepts. Click on the image to find out more:

Vladimir Issurin's new book


New and upcoming books on data analysis

I have preordered two books on Amazon that look very promising:

I am currently reading the following (and also to brag a little):

The R in Action, 2nd edition (just published) is a must have reference manual for R and applied data analysis. Get it.

Books I am reading on productivity and performance management

By the recommendation of Dr. Jas Randhawa I have picked up the Scrum book, actually audio book that I have listened on my flight from Doha back to Belgrade. Very interesting introduction to Lean/Agile/Scrum methodologies that I believe have a lot in common to ideas proposed by John Kiely – where “plan dominant” approaches have very much in common with “waterfall” charts and traditional project management/planning and Agile/Lean/Scrum have a lot in common to “process dominant” approaches to training management and planning. I have always said that it is important to read business books since we don’t need to re-invent the wheel.

This might be an interesting FREE course on the differences and complementarity between “plan based” and “agile” project management by Chuck Cobb.

Anyways, here is my reading list (only God knows when I might read them). And they are all affiliate links – I get 20$ gift card from Amazon every 3-6 months which I use to buy books.

Hope you found some interesting stuff in these link. Thanks for reading

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Books, books, books….

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