Welcome to the new Complementary Training website

The new Complementary Training, besides bringing the quality content from the old BLOG, will include updated state-of-the art PRODUCTS that will help you coach more and worry less on Excel, FORUM where you can participate in discussions with other fellow high-performance sport experts and DOWNLOAD where you can download all the important documents, videos and data featured in the website content.

We are still making some minor aesthetic improvements on the website and blog content that you will probably notice in the next few days/weeks. If you have any suggestions or feedback or question please be free to post it on the FORUM ~ we are more than interested in hearing it and improving the overall experience. This is also true for PRODUCTS – any idea, tip or feedback is highly welcomed.

The content on the old blog will be available for an additional week or two, after which we plan to shut it down completely.

I looking forward to the Complementary Training community and I am pretty sure that this new platform will allow us to share even more quality content.

Home page screen shot

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