Power BI Course for Sport Scientists – Video 1

I have been preaching about importance of learning PowerBI for sport scientists – it is excellent at pulling data from various sources and integrating them at one spot, cleaning and general data wrangling (e.g. converting from long to wide and vice versa), aggregating and VERY powerful at visualizing and deploying dashboards and charts. Besides it is completely FREE.

My bet is that PowerBI will become new Excel (if not already) and having the skills needed to produce reports will be needed as Excel skills are needed now. So, knowing how to learn PowerBI will put you ahead of the curve and competition.

PowerBI is pretty much integration of the recent Power- Excel tools: PowerPivot, PowerQuery and PowerView into one stand-alone product. So, if you are familiar with the mentioned tools (DAX and a bit of M language) PowerBI will be walk in the park.

Anyway, I decided to create a course for sport scientists, to get you started with PowerBI. The “issues” with most books and YouTube videos and courses on PowerBI is that they are using business data (e.g. sales data) to explain certain techniques that might be hard to grasp for someone without “skin in the game” in that area. So, I decided to use the very concrete examples & data (e.g. testing data, monitoring data) you will stumble upon as sport scientist and explain how to analyze them in PowerBI.

In the first video I will explain the following:

  • Where to get and how to install PowerBI
  • Great books to get you started
  • How to organize Google Sheets document for team physical testing (and how to share across the department, i.e. using Annual Planner)
  • How to pull the data from Google Sheets into PowerBI to get the live connection (sync only once and analyze the most recent entries)

Here is the data set we are using: Google Sheets CSV Table (the direct/sync link), Google Sheets Example (Google Sheets document)

This video will explain how to create data connection and in the next video we are going to analyze the above data set.


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