Podcast #11: Interview with Israel Halperin

In episode eleven of Complementary Training Podcast I am talking to Israel Halperin. Israel is a PhD candidate and Muay Thai coach from Tel-Aviv, Israel, who I’ve met in Canberra while he was with Australian Institute of Sport.

Israel is someone with the skin in the game, to paraphrase Nassim Taleb. Someone who has walked the walk as a Muay Thai fighter, and continues to do so by training competitive athletes in Muay Thai and Boxing, as well as doing his PhD. Hence, he is the guy who can talk two languages – coach language and researcher language. I believe his is a true gem in this field.

In the following episode, we have discussed numerous topics, ranging from agile periodization, confounders in training research, dealing with uncertainty and many others. The format was more of a casual chat of two friends, which we are, rather than an interview. I am pretty sure it will make you think.

You can reach Israel through his twitter @Israel_Halperin and through his Research Gate.

Before we switch to the chat with Israel, I want to thank our sponsor Smartabase for making this episode possible.

Enjoy the listening.


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