Movement Prep is Here! Gear Up with Awesome New Tool!

We bring you a brand new Complementary Training benefit, thanks to our member Aleksa Bošković, who was more than kind to share it with the rest of the community. We wanted to surprise everyone with something really cool this summer, so prepare for Movement Prep!

Movement Prep is a slick excel tool that enables you to create 150+ preset programs for advanced physical preparation, with 225+ exercises for a dynamic warm-up and high-velocity movement in different directions. This allows you to prepare ANY athlete for challenging and demanding physical training based on their individual characteristics in a matter of minutes!

You can use and modify any program within the file, add and save your own programs or exercises with pictures and video links, and export them as a PDF to any number of athletes.

Movement Prep will maximize your effort and save you an enormous amount of time!

Find out more about Movement Prep Tool via the button below.

Product Details

Our Premium members can instantly download Movement Prep for FREE, as well as Standard members who are part of our community for at least 7 months.
All Standard members who are with us for less than that period hang on tight and download the Movement Prep tool free of charge as soon as you reach the 7th-month milestone.

To download Movement Prep tool, please log in to your account as a member and select the “Store” item from the top menu. When the page is loaded under the product, a Download button will be displayed. Click on it to download your copy.

Movement Prep will help you keep all your athletes prepared better than ever and make you more efficient at what you do best! You’ll definitely enjoy its features and easy-to-eye design!

We hope you like it!

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