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Importance of Context in Evaluating Wellness Questionnaires
In the previous post I’ve shared the novel idea on how to ‘aggregate’ wellness categories into positive/negative wellness score.
How to Make a Readiness Monitoring Using a Simple Wellness Questionnaire [Part 2]
ince the wellness questionnaire is basically a nominal scale, the method of calculating difference might be simple subtraction (Difference = Current Score – Rolling Average). Other calculations that are based on ratio scales might involve percent change…
How to Design Wellness Questionnaire?
In this video, I will share my thoughts and experiences with the design and use of wellness questionnaires, but more importantly, I will show you how to create your wellness questionnaire.
How to Make a Readiness Monitoring Using a Simple Wellness Questionnaire [Part 1]
In the following series of screen cast I will show you how to utilize simple wellness questionnaire to monitor players readiness. The series will be done in three parts. Part one will deal with the design of collecting sheet. Part two will deal with numerical analysis using Excel and part three will deal with creating a simple visual dashboard.