Program Design: An Agile Approach

Agile Methodology is a way of thinking that promotes the idea that products are best designed with repetitive development, planning and testing based on customer feedback.

While software developers initially embraced Agile, the methods and process of Agile can be applied to the programming for beginning through advanced clients and athletes.

Rather than detailed long-term planning, Agile organizes short planning cycles called sprints, that typically last up to four weeks with the outcome being a results based minimum viable product (MVP), which would be the fewest products features to ensure customer success. From a training and coaching perspective an MVP would be the fewest training qualities and programming variables needed to meet the goals of the client or athlete during the sprint cycle.

Agile methodology reinforces the partnership between the coach and the athlete as the coach develops the programs based on regular athlete feedback and the regular testing as part of a sprint cycle.

It is likely that many trainers and coaches already incorporate concepts of Agile methodology into their programming. This presentation provides more details on Agile along with practical examples on how it can be used.

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