Sprint & Tempo Profile

After spending hours listening to John Lythe’s YouTube tutorials, Excel Tricks For Sports, along with being inspired by Mladen’s excel wizardry, check out Strength Card Builder 4.0 (it will literally save you hours), I decided to make a template which track coaches could use with their athletes.

A few days back I put this up on my social media channels,

For track coaches/athletes, I’ve been working on this ‘athlete profile’ for a few weeks to seamlessly roll between athletes on the same sheet, to set target times for workouts (and a few other reasons). Here are a few short videos to show you how it works. All you need to do is add athlete names and their data (and images if you wish).

And I was overwhelmed with the response I received with people wanting a copy of the file. No doubt because I was giving it away free had something to do with it, but I’m glad track coaches/performance coaches could see merit in the concept. Anyway, instead of sending upwards of 200 emails, Mladen was happy to host the file on his site since some of the inspiration stemmed from this site to begin with.

This concept is NOT new. Prescribing workouts based on percentages of personal best/season best/time trials is how most workouts are written; how else do you know the time you want the athlete to run for each rep? Or how their performance compares to previous trials or sessions? I guess the most useful feature is the ability to seamlessly rotate between athletes in your group by changing just one cell.

The file will allow you to individualize track workouts for your athletes with ease, along with linking percentage of recent training best/season’s best with specific target times/session outcomes for your athletes. The benefits include: ease of data selection/visualisation between athletes; individualization of training prescription; monitoring athlete performance with desired session outcome; tracking progress upon returning from injury.

Good luck and enjoy.

Sprint & Tempo Profile Files

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