Short news…

Just wanted to let you know that I am working on the special edition of 8-weeks soccer pre-season plan for Joel Jamieson’s 8WeeksOut website in a form of printable e-book, that should be available in a week or two.Joel also recently published my Recommended Reading list at 8WeeksOut. You can get the PDF by clicking on this link.The soccer season is getting to the end in couple of weeks, and we are already working on the next season plan, taking into accounts our good and bad actions and decision we did in this one. I am identifying the things that need improvement and hopefully the next preparatory period is going to be even better than the last one, for the main reason of already knowing athletes and them knowing me and my approach. I am reflecting on things that I have done good and the things that I did poorly.

Personally, I am experimenting with intermittent fasting (Leangains and Eat-Stop-Eat) and I am getting results. I am leaner than ever (184cm height and 92kg weight) and my lifts are increasing too. Some of the goals for the summer include:

* 89kg BW
* 180-200kg ATG back squat
* 220-250kg deadlift
* 130-140kg bench press
* 50kgx3 on pull-ups
* Dunk as Jordan

Hopefully, I am going to achieve those…. at least I am going to enjoy the process :).

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