Lean Annual Planner




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As coaches, we are often required to develop annual plans that should help us to see the big picture, track changes, monitor training, track athlete attendance, and collaborate with other coaches. Although there are numerous specialized software products for these tasks, nothing is as versatile as the simple Excel template, which is the most common solution to most coaches.

Lean Annual Planner is a lean and flexible Excel template that can be easily modified to suit your needs and context. If you are familiar with the Pareto principle, you probably know that 20% of features give you 80% of results. That being said, the Lean Annual Planner contains what I deem to be the fundamental but crucial features that will satisfice most of your planning and monitoring needs.

Having been involved with high-performance sports and top-end technology and software, I couldn’t help but notice that while we have been focusing on the tiny details, the critical things slipped through the cracks. You know what I mean: not seeing the elephant in the room. Lean Annual Planner lets you see this elephant by delivering the most basic, but the most crucial planning features.

Due to its lean and straightforward design, the Lean Annual Planner can easily be uploaded to Google Sheets, which allows collaboration between multiple coaches, as well as sharing it with the athletes if needed. Commenting, chatting, and all the other outstanding features of the free Google Sheets make the Lean Annual Planner a potent tool that can cost thousands of dollars to be otherwise developed. Lean, Adaptable, and Powerful – three characteristics of the Lean Annual Planner that can make your life much more comfortable.

The video below will give you a basic overview of the Lean Annual Planner.

Demo Video


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