Planning Strength Training for Clients With Fuckarounditis – Part 2

In case you missed the first part of this video series you can find it here: Part 1

As a strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer, how do you deal with clients or groups that have a very unpredictable schedule or have a huge need for variation in training? How do you make them fitter and stronger, while adapting to their fuckarounditis(unpredictability, uncertainty, inconsistency, changeableness)?

In this second video of the series I am discussing strategies for dealing with internal fuckarounditis by modifying three phases of strength training:

  1. establishing 1RM
  2. planning the strength phase
  3. rinse and repeat (you can find more in-depth discussion HERE)

Strategies covered in this video are (1) estimation through iteration, (2) loose vs strict prescription, (3) work vs play and I am explaining my idea behind the phenomenological classification of strength training planning to vertical and horizontal planning.

In the next video, I will continue the discussion on divisible and un-divisible approaches to planning.

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