Optimal vs. Robust: Applications to Planning Strategies

Ivan Jukic and I just published preprint paper on SportRxiv that explores the behavior of common load planning strategies when facing random missing sessions (MCAR; missing completely at random) using simulation in R language. This paper represents a more academic and formal continuation of my discussion regarding planning for unpredictable clients (How to Deal With Unpredictable Clients/Athletes and Planning Strength Training for Clients With Fuckarounditis) and Agile Periodization.

In this paper we have also suggested novel planning strategies: Don’t Break The Chain and its variation Barbell Chain, as well provided a discussion on optimality versus robustness when planning training. An additional novel concept is the use of Markov Chains that can be very helpful in creating more robust training plans while implementing a sound sequence of training, randomization, and agility when dealing with missed sessions.

To our knowledge, this is the first paper of its kind that explores these topics in training load planning. We decided to go for a preprint option so we can collect the feedback and prepare it for a proper peer-review journal. Please be free to tear it apart and let us know where we fucked up, what we can do better and how to modify it for a peer-review journal. If you have any idea what journal might accept this type of publication we are all ears.

This type of planning will be covered in the upcoming Strength Training Manual that I am currently finishing and which should be available soon.

Click here to read the paper »


Jovanovic, M., & Jukic, I. (2019, April 1). Optimal vs. Robust: Applications to Planning Strategies. Insights from a simulation study. https://doi.org/10.31236/osf.io/8n4jf

Jovanovic, Mladen, and Ivan Jukic. “Optimal Vs. Robust: Applications to Planning Strategies. In-sights from a Simulation Study.” SportRxiv, 1 Apr. 2019. Web.

Jovanovic, Mladen, and Ivan Jukic. 2019. “Optimal Vs. Robust: Applications to Planning Strategies. Insights from a Simulation Study.” SportRxiv. April 1. doi:10.31236/osf.io/8n4jf.

Jovanovic M, Jukic I. 2019.Optimal vs. Robust: Applications to Planning Strategies. Insights from a simulation study. Available at osf.io/preprints/sportrxiv/8n4jf. DOI: 10.31236/osf.io/8n4jf.


title={Optimal vs. Robust: Applications to Planning Strategies. Insights from a simulation study},
author={Jovanovic, Mladen and Jukic, Ivan},

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