Microcycle Planning for Team Sports

The following video represents a summary of the recent chapters I wrote for my upcoming book, plus a few additional concepts that I will be writing in more detail soon.
Here are the original Physical Preparation for Team Sports(Weekly Plans) blog posts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

In this video I am covering the following concepts:

  • Top-Down versus Bottom-Up planning
  • Functional Groups within the team
  • Mini-Block and their variations
  • Planning for microcycles of different length
  • Distribution of Strength versus Weaknesses work
  • Distribution of Individual versus Collective work
  • Probabilistic planning of the training components
  • Optimal time to develop certain qualities
  • Optimal combinations when developing certain qualities
  • Saturated/Sequential versus Distributed/Parallel approach in planning of the development of qualities, and concept of microloading
  • Heuristics of what needs to be done, from uncertainty perspective
  • Heuristics of when certain qualities should be developed taking mini-blocks into account
  • Much more that includes managing the Kanban boards of the functional groups, agile periodization and dealing with planning and working in teams sports


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