ALTIS Foundation Course & ALTIS 360

We are more than happy to announce that ALTIS has offered 10% off their Foundation Course and ALTIS 360 products for all Complementary Training members.

The discount of 10% refers to the complete Foundation Course and regarding ALTIS 360, the discount refers to yearly subscription.

ALTIS and coaches from ALTIS (Dan Pfaff, Stuart McMillan, et al.) have been very influential on my own development and I cannot recommend them highly enough. I was pleasantly surprised and welcomed launching of their two platforms.

Foundation Course


The Foundation Course is a massive practical course of 12 modules, divided into three semesters. It provides education from basic biomechanics, physiology and training methodology to speed, strength and athlete management, all delivered by the world class coaches. You can find more about it here:
An insider’s guide to the ALTIS Foundation Course
Introduction to the ALTIS Foundation Course



ALTIS 360 is an online coach and athlete resource. It consists of numerous outstanding presentations by leaders in the field, from scientists to world class coaches. It represents continuous development that you and your coaches, sport scientists and physical therapists can be part off. So if you are planning to invest into further education yourself, ALTIS 360 is a fantastic resource.

Read more about it here : What is ALTIS 360?

As a Complementary Training member, use the discount code below when signing up for the Foundation Course, or ALTIS 360. If you are a member, the discount code will appear below.

If you are still not a member of Complementary Training, sign up for $1 only for the first month to get access to this and many other membership benefits.

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