Small “bug” in Strength Card Builder

Thanks to Nathan Young [Forum LINK] for reporting a small bug in Strength Card Builder. The bug is in  3×5 tab under Tier4 exercise. It pulls the wrong references from the Set & Rep scheme (it pulls from the top which is reference 0, instead of pulling from 3rd set).

The solution is simple:

1. Unprotect the sheet (right click on the tab at the bottom of the screen)
2. In column AN in Tier 4, select first cell (%). It should write

=IFERROR(IF(ISBLANK(INDEX(‘Set & Rep Schemes’!$E:$L, MATCH($AM38, ‘Set & Rep Schemes’!$B:$B, 0)+0, ((MATCH(AN$13, WeekList, 0)-1)*2)+1)), “”,INDEX(‘Set & Rep Schemes’!$E:$L, MATCH($AM38, ‘Set & Rep Schemes’!$B:$B, 0)+0, ((MATCH(AN$13, WeekList, 0)-1)*2)+1)), “”)

You see those “+0″? There are two. Please change them to “+3″. Select the cell below, change to “+4″ and so forth. Compare to Tier3.

3. Do the same for the AP column.
4. Repeat that for each “box” [week] for each workout in Tier 4. (see the picture)

Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 22.44.20

Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope it didn’t cause you any troubles.

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