Simplifying the Complex – Interviewed by Ron McKeefery

I had a pleasure to be interviewed by Ron McKeefery for his Iron Game Chalk Talk show in late June. We had touched a lot of topics and I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts and chatting with Ron. Here is the video interview:

I am not very happy the way I explained ‘intensity trinity’ to Ron, so you can read more about it HERE. This is also a great feedback for me to evaluate my ‘public speaking’ – we all probably know it is painful at first to watch yourself and evaluate, but it is very needed – there is a lot of ‘hmm’ and all that general lack-of-public-speaking skills. I think this is also extra skill a coach can have, because to coach is to sell. We are selling our services to both athletes and more importantly coaches, this (public speaking, communication in general and ability to sell yourself and your ideas – or plain influencing others), along with conflict management (which I mentioned in video) is much more important than the knowledge of 45,660 versions of kettlebell exercises.

If you are interested in more details about the typical strength training session I did with Hammarby (I mentioned it in the interview) you can find more HERE.

The website I mentioned for FREE courses is Coursera. Not sure my spelling was right in the video. In the next blog post I will be sharing some must see free courses. I have been learning statistics on Coursera and a bunch of other things. It is amazing website.

I have also mentioned SecondsPro, JGoniometry, Team Beep Test, and Fit Tests Beep that also contains Martin Buchheit 30-15 test.

I also highly suggest following Ron’s podcast HERE. His interviews are great and very informative.

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