Balancing Physical & Tactical Load in Soccer eBook




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How to achieve and manage the balance between physical and tactical training? Where does a fitness coach’s work end and where does the work of the football coach start? How can we make our training sessions more effective? How can we prepare our players for any given scenario they might face in a game? Simple but fundamental questions that all of us, who work in soccer, have (or had). The current manual written by Efthymios Kyprianou and Franscesco Farioli provides all the answers to the above questions, based on theory and practice, supported with detailed graphs and videos.

This manual is organized in three parts:

Part A: We Train as we Play (WHY)

  • – What is the Game Model?
  • – Moments of the Game and their use in the training sessions
  • – Integrated training & Tactical Periodisation in our training sessions
  • – Monitoring Cycle and its practical applications
  • – How to design your drills and sessions based on your targets
  • – What is the worst-case scenario?

PART B: Build your own Methodology (WHAT)

  • – Planning and Periodisation of your methodology
  • – What are the level of structural organization
  • – How you can classify your drills?
  • – What are the training methods used in your sessions?
  • – How you can design your own methodology

PART C: Design your weekly plans (WHEN)

  • – What are the 4 steps when you design your weekly plans
  • – What is the exercise complexity and what it’s the importance when you design your plans
  • – Set up your targets according to your team’s needs
  • – Example of a Weekly plan



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