Effects of Flying Start Distances on the FVP

During 2020, I started collaborating with Jason Vescovi on the short sprints modeling, which resulted in development of the shorts R package (published on CRAN) as well as the recent publication in Frontiers and a published preprint (for which we are still finding peer-review home).

Although my previous Ph.D. Project is Velocity-based Training (I have published first paper of the Ph.D. project), on which I am still working by preparing another R package, and a large preprint, I have decided that switching my Ph.D. thesis to sprint modeling is a “better option”. A better option in a way that it is simpler to be done, and in my opinion more impactful to the real-world practices. Just yesterday I have successfully defended the public Ph.D. project and it is accepted by the University of Belgrade.

The paper that Jason Vescovi and myself published in Frontiers showed, retrospectively, that there are differences in estimated force-velocity profile (FVP) parameters if different (in our opinion: improved) model definitions are used. Paper reviewers were rightfully complaining that we need a validation study. And this is exactly what we intend to do now.

In the video presentation below you can find what problem with FVP estimation using timing gates we are trying to solve by utilizing novel model definitions. We plan to do one simulation study and one multi-center, pre-registered study in a hope of confirming the benefits of using FVP estimation with different model definitions.

Using the shorts package, we are able to simulate and explore expected (theoretical) effects. This in turn helps us prepare the analysis in advance (i.e. preregistration), as well as using simulation for the statistical power analysis.

In the video below I am walking you through the R Shiny dashboard/simulator which you can also use to explore the FVP estimation issues using timing gates.

To Get FREE Access to Both Video and R Shiny Dashboard, Join Us Today »

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Effects of the Flying Start on Estimated Short Sprint Profiles Using Timing Gates

Over the last few years, I have been working on the short sprints profiling, thanks to the initial spark in 2020/21 by prof. Jason Vescovi who sent me a sample data. This resulted in the {shorts} R package hosted at the official CRAN repository, as well as few published papers (and few more in preparation), as well as the doctoral dissertation (thesis) that I have successfully defended on 21st of May, 2024 at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade.

Published Paper on Bias in Sprint Modeling

I am happy to announce that my pre-print paper “Bias in estimated short sprint profiles using timing gates due to the flying start” has been published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. This publication is my last requirement for publishing and defending my Ph.D. thesis. Hopefully, finishing everything during the first half of this year.


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