
I am currently reading SST: A Manual For Coaches and it is one of the most awaited books that finally brings ideas from Yuri Verkhoshansky in clear and understanding style. There was a lot of mis-information due bad translations and devil-advocates and this book cleared a lot of issues, at least for me. I am going to do a review as soon as I finish it.In the mean time I have seen couple of interesting links I want to share. So, here they are:

New Interval Training

Thanks to Lyle McDonald for posting this. It is a short read regarding ‘new’ intervals based on the newer (and more accurate) understanding of lactate metabolism (lactate shuttle). Basically, it is based on the importance of the recovery periods between intervals, since during this time the body learns how to utilize built-up lactates. This usually takes form of Fartlek running or variable running around LT. Anyway, nothing groundbreaking but very interesting read and a pretty good summary of physiology of lactates.

Training for advanced athletes

A series from famous cycling/triathlete coach Joe Friel regarding his implementation of Block Periodization. One interesting concept I am contemplating about that Joe mentioned is a stabilization in Output~Input ratio as a signal to enter another phase/block of Conjugate Sequence since training potential of utilized training means is ‘spent’. This way, certain block doesn’t have fixed duration, but are rather flexible based on how the athlete responds. The question is how to utilize this concept in means of different emphasis (speed, power, strength)? RPE instead of HR?

Science of Sport

I have been providing links to this blog recently, but I must admit that it is fantastic. Worth reading and checking out. Just my two cents.

Going to read SST. Take care.

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