Planning The In-season Microcycle In Soccer Part 8: Hamish Munro Case Study

Previous parts:

  1. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 1: Complexity
  2. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 2: Mark Williams Case Study
  3. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 3: Mick McDermott Case Study
  4. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 4: Thoughts on Recovery “mini-block”
  5. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 5: Thoughts from the Archive
  6. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 6: In-season strength training for soccer
  7. Planning the in-season microcycle in soccer – Part 7: Paraskevas Polychronopoulos Case Study

I recently stumbled on Hamish Munro’s slides regarding in-season planning and wanted to repost them here. Hamish is U21 Fitness Coach for Al Ahli FC and can be reached via his twitter account: @HamishMunro90

The In-Season Microcycle ‘Physical themes dervied from tactical periodisation’ from Hamish Munro

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